Styx S. Shade: The Chronicler of Lord Styx Shadow Shade


The Chronicler of Lord Styx Shadow Shade

The First words are always the hardest to describe Lord Styx Shade. He is a complicated man. Shade. Yes. His name is fitting to his nature and destiny because he is a man of many shades of men and a man of shadowy past. He is a thief, a scoundrel, a loyal friend, a villain and a hero. Well..a hero in certain situations. A lord of spies and a bastard cursed by dark shadow magic.

My name is Calvin Skylark the Chief lawyer and accountant to the house of Shade. My story is but a minor foot note in the history of my clan. My brother and I were born in the house of family's estate. My father was a Land Lord but grew up poor and came to own his apartments by way of a card game and thieving. My brother and I were tutored by professionals in the classics until we reached the age of choice and our natures magical and skills manifested themselves. My brother leaned toward our father's skills in luck opportunity and excelled in rogue abilities and he followed in our father's foot steps. My skills leaned toward reading, writing and a strong memory for facts and data. My abilities lean toward insight and looking at patterns. My pattern of life has been mostly boring for the most part with only my adventurous moment being the night I met my future wife and mother of my four children. In any event I am merely a Chronicler of the humble beginnings and raise of one house of spy Lords and the falling of another.

Indeed, I wouldn't even be recording this story if not for the command of his Lordship and my traitorous brother's suggestion sense I had come about some details about Lord Shade's past he was not aware. So here I am in the library study of Shade's prime estate on the twelve o'clock hour writing down the beginning origins of spy Lord Styx S. Shade.

What is the make up of a man? No, that sounds stupid. My father said it best in this quote: If I had one fault I can say regarding Styx is that the man is to damn clingy with the few friends he's got and to damn honorable for a spy Lord. What I mean is not enough wrenching (Lord Shade preferred then and now a cold beer.)

Though, Lady Shade has known Lord Shade for as long my father she says it comes from lake of trust in the female gender. Which, Lady Shade has said it is not a unfounded fear. To quote: Styx's survived the first seventeen years on luck and the love of his blessed mother.

What follows is a brief account from Lord Ethan Scott Skylark on his meeting, training and brotherhood of cases and the cases my father had with Lord Shade.

Though not the entire history of their first cases together (that would take a longer period of time and many more books to fill for the telling and I have a wife and children to raise and enjoy. So I'm going to keep this short and sweet.)

I hope to illustrate the character, honor and flaws in all of his Lordship for future generations of Shade Lords and Ladies. Our story begins thirty years ago because of a break into a little lady's house that connected him and fate to my father ten years later in a private club of Lords at the tail end of poker game my father was losing in.
