Black Panther the movie everybody hates and I liked

Short Review: Man becomes king. Man is trying to prove himself. Man faces challenges. Man finds out secret. Man is sad. Man is defeated. Man gets up. Man overcomes challenges. Man changes from experiences into a stronger man and king. 
-There is nothing new about this film that hasn't been done before but maybe better. But, I liked it. -
Truth: This movie was marketed to black Americans so they would pay to see it and make Disney money from the date of release (February) to the over the top suggestions that it is the greatest film are meant to garner the ego of African Americans and crazy far left liberals to get their money and emotions. This film takes stupid digs at White Americans in a attempt to cajole Black Americans and crazy far liberals to like this film and make light of a perceptive of history.
Conservatives don't like this film because of the digs at white people and they say this film is racist, another stupid comic film and identity politics. Some Alt-right hate this film for the black people in it and the digs at white people. Some Alt-right may like this film because they'll see it as a confirmation that collective one mind group think is the only thing that matters. Movie buffs probably won't like this film because it is a generic marvel movie. 
I'm the GuardianDogg. I like the comic character Black Panther and yes I am black.  I did notice the aforementioned bag of half baked politics and racism in the movie and I promptly ignored it because it wasn't interesting to me. It bored me. So what Interpreted out of this film that interested me will be different from everybody else in a certain way.

- The message:  The problems that you ignore are the problems that your sons and daughters will have to endure. -

You have the option to ignore the problems in life brought on by our fathers and ourselves. You have the option to sleep life away and ignore the problems you make for yourself and the world but somebody is going to suffer for your mistakes. Somebody is going to pay for the lack of empathy for the people of your country and the world in general if you fail to take up your place and lift the burden off one man or child's head.

A man owns up to his mistakes. A man faces the challenges of life head on from the problems he makes to the issues that are in this life he can fix if it is in his power and means. 

You don't have to save the world but lifting a finger to help somebody in need is more noble and enlightened then using a match to set the world on fire and burn the problems and people away.
Black Panther is not the greatest film ever made. The Princess Bride is the greatest film ever made.  (Yes this is my opinion and yes I am correct).
